I 'm going to build a house, so I started digger, says Paul Hošek old beech. He built a machine that he could dig out the foundations. But it certainly makes use of otherwise. Not only in the winter as snow, which in the valley of the foothills of the Giant Mountains is quite a lot.
When will Paul Hošek built a house, bear the digger wings, bonnet, and especially the final coating. And then it probably stamp on a traktoriádu, competition at home made of machines. I admire what it is now.
Digger decided to build on the chassis of the Russian military ambulance production both because of its bytelnosti and also due to drive all four wheels. The engine of the Mercedes, in turn, is a guarantee of reliability. Used to travel and propels the pressure pump for the hydraulics. When just idling, but it is possible from the place bagristy over the rear axle add gas - by hand using steel wire ropes connected with the front foot gas
continue reading - my dada built me a digger, look!
How to grow cherry tomatoes
The tomatoes from the garden or balcony have excellent taste. Why have at least a couple of plants, useful and decorative? Pěstujte tomato red, orange, yellow, purple and green, round and oval, pear-shaped and flat, small and giant cherry, tomato varieties for even greater health value ...
Are you increasingly small cherry tomatoes sold in small boxes? Interesting is not only their appearance, but also a strong flavor. You may wonder, but not on any news. These fruits are the earliest original tomatoes that Aztékové in Central America already grew in the 15th century. The direct ancestors of today's cherry tomatoes, rambling cane with small fruits, still grows wild in southern Mexico. This decorative and tasty tomatoes can grow.
Slug - enemy of your garden
Invasion of slug is repeated each year and for many gardeners it is a disaster. When there are few, can mávnout hands. But increasingly to visit the garden in such quantity that they are able to eat all learn. Fortunately, still improve the methods to combat them.
Strawberries, cabbage, carrot and beet stems, ornamental flowers - it all disappears in the bottomless gastropods mouth. Plzáci all hard strouhají radulou, language posetým small "teeth". Plzák If it was only a few, the loss or nepocítíme. Overgrowth and are not able to destroy the whole garden. Protecting therefore we have from spring to autumn - and the season culminates with slugs.
Strawberries, cabbage, carrot and beet stems, ornamental flowers - it all disappears in the bottomless gastropods mouth. Plzáci all hard strouhají radulou, language posetým small "teeth". Plzák If it was only a few, the loss or nepocítíme. Overgrowth and are not able to destroy the whole garden. Protecting therefore we have from spring to autumn - and the season culminates with slugs.
Ačokča, pepper cucumber - how to eat and grow?
Young, not yet fully ripe fruits are ačokči Raw pea flavor, put up in a sweet and sour brine taste like cucumbers and stuffed with meat and rice as peppers. They can be used in salads, or add to goulash to vegetable soups. You can also grow.
Ačokča or cyklantera (Cyclanthera pedata) belongs to čekedi tykvovitých plants. It's one, climbing herb, the stem can be measured up to 5 meters stalk is a thin, densely branched. It comes from South and Central America.
Leaves size 6 to 14 cm, laločnaté, with five to seven eliptickými lístečky, crenate at the edges.
Flowers are unisexual, small, white, yellowish or greenish, in groups of ten to twenty.
Fruits recall Lusk. They are ovoid berries with a long sharp tip 10 to 20 cm. Angular, and rough black pips are located in two rows placenta. The interior of the fruit maturation process is hollow. They have sweet and sour taste, taste like cucumbers and peppers
Ačokča or cyklantera (Cyclanthera pedata) belongs to čekedi tykvovitých plants. It's one, climbing herb, the stem can be measured up to 5 meters stalk is a thin, densely branched. It comes from South and Central America.
Leaves size 6 to 14 cm, laločnaté, with five to seven eliptickými lístečky, crenate at the edges.
Flowers are unisexual, small, white, yellowish or greenish, in groups of ten to twenty.
Fruits recall Lusk. They are ovoid berries with a long sharp tip 10 to 20 cm. Angular, and rough black pips are located in two rows placenta. The interior of the fruit maturation process is hollow. They have sweet and sour taste, taste like cucumbers and peppers