Ačokča, pepper cucumber - how to eat and grow?

Young, not yet fully ripe fruits are ačokči Raw pea flavor, put up in a sweet and sour brine taste like cucumbers and stuffed with meat and rice as peppers. They can be used in salads, or add to goulash to vegetable soups. You can also grow.

Ačokča or cyklantera (Cyclanthera pedata) belongs to čekedi tykvovitých plants. It's one, climbing herb, the stem can be measured up to 5 meters stalk is a thin, densely branched. It comes from South and Central America.

Leaves size 6 to 14 cm, laločnaté, with five to seven eliptickými lístečky, crenate at the edges.
Flowers are unisexual, small, white, yellowish or greenish, in groups of ten to twenty.

Fruits recall Lusk. They are ovoid berries with a long sharp tip 10 to 20 cm. Angular, and rough black pips are located in two rows placenta. The interior of the fruit maturation process is hollow. They have sweet and sour taste, taste like cucumbers and peppers